We are most delighted to announce the result of the Asian Studies Students Virtual Forum.
Congratulations to the following award recipients of Best Presenter, Best Originality Award and Best Overseas Virtual Outreach Award:
Speaker: Dr. Setsuko (Seiko) Matsuzawa
Date: 2021.03.04 (Thursday)
Time: 3:15 pm to 4:15 pm (1 ECA / 1 iGPS)
Venue: Online
Date: 2021.03.04 (Thursday)
Time: 1:30 pm to 2:30 pm (1 ECA / 1 iGPS)
Mode: Webinar
Topic: Career Talk and Dialogue with Teachers III – Career or Careener?
Dear Colleagues and Students,
Wish you have a Healthy and Happy Chinese New Year of the OX!
Please be informed that the office of the Department of Social Science will be re-opened on 16 February 2021 (Tuesday).
May we wish you a fruitful Year of the OX.
Thank you for your attention.
Speaker: Dr. Lucille Lok-Sun NGAN
Date: 2021.01.28
Time: 2 pm to 3 pm (1 ECA / 1 iGPS)
Venue: Online
We take pleasure to invite you to join us at the Asian Studies Students Virtual Forum on Wednesday, January 13, 2020.
QESS/TDG Project Sharing Series #2: Starting a Language and Culture Centre from Scratch / Date: 10 December 2020 (Thursday) Time: 14:00 – 14:45 Venue: Pong Hong Siu Chu Lecture Hall (A315) and live broadcast via MS Teams (Please click here for joining the seminar.) Speaker: Dr Rami Chan, Senior Lecturer of Department of Social Science and Director of Centre for Asian Languages…
SSC Research Seminar A Review on the Development of Buddist Psychology in East Asia 東亞地區佛教心理學發展探析 / Date: Dec 3, 2020 Time: 2:00-3:00 pm Speaker: Dr Joe Poon (Lecturer, Department of Social Science) Venue: D302 Online Participation: Please click here for Registration / 社會科學系現誠邀閣下出席由潘啟聰博士主講之新書分享: 主題:東亞地區佛教心理學發展探析 日期:2020年12月3日(星期四) 時間:下午2時正至下午3時正 講者: 潘啟聰博士 (社會科學系講師) *是次活動以廣東話進行 講座簡介 《東亞地區佛教心理學發展探析》以「佛教心理學」一詞發軔之始展開回顧,探討這門學問發展至今的現況。亞洲在開展佛教心理學這門學問之時,行為主義在西方心理學界極為興盛。這令亞洲的學者對西方心理學產生負面印象,以為西方的研究甚為狹隘。因此,他們大多抗拒西方心理學的理論典範(paradigm)。這樣的起點對佛教心理學有長遠影響。縱使現代心理學發展成績斐然,不少亞洲的學者仍無法真正溝通「佛教」與「心理學」。此書旨在對東亞佛教心理學的發展進行反省,並嘗試打破一些既有框架,為學科未來的發展提出建議。 有關潘啟聰博士 香港城市大學社區服務管理副學士,香港城市大學心理學(榮譽)學士,香港中文大學哲學文學碩士,私立珠海大學中國文學及歷史研究所博士,英國愛丁堡大學健康和社會科學學院博士生。畢業後致力研究文藝心理學,近年論著多以心理學知識分析文學作品,專書包括《當文學遇上心理學——文藝心理學概論》、《東亞地區佛教心理學發展探析》、《香港都市傳說全攻略》、《鬼王廚房:舌尖上的地獄飲食文化》等,近年論文包括〈閱讀治療與佛經故事〉、〈文藝心理學之傳承及未來展望〉、〈恐懼蔓延──香港鬼故事的格式塔心理學分析〉、〈論勒熱訥的《自傳契約》對自傳研究的啟發〉等。 請按此登記留座。 *同學須出席至講座結束方可獲計1…
/ HSUHK Info Day 2020 SSC Event: MEMES and Political Discussion Date: 21/11/2020 Time: 11:30-12:00 Venue: D401 (or join in ZOOM meeting) Speaker: Dr TANG Kin Yat Gary Language: Cantonese Registration: Please scan the QR code on the poster for registration HSUHK Info day: https://infoday2020.hsu.edu.hk/en/frontpage/ 恒大資訊日亞研重頭戲!聽Gary 由 meme 講網絡生態 ! #恒大資訊日 #HSUHK #InformationDay #asianstudies #socialscience