International Conference on Heritage Conservation Along the Belt and Road Zones: Between Politics and Professionalism
Co-organised by the Department of Social Science of The Hang Seng University of Hong Kong and Contemporary China Studies Center of Hong Kong Shue Yan University, the International Conference on Heritage Conservation Along the Belt and Road Zones: Between Politics and Professionalism was successfully held on 23 and 24 October 2020. The conference was fully supported by the Inter-Institutional Development Scheme (IIDS), the Research Grants Council of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region.
The organisers were honoured to have two distinguished scholars in heritage conservation, Professor Tim Winter from The University of Western Australia and Professor Tim Williams from University College London, to deliver keynote speeches on 23 October 2020. Seventeen local and overseas scholars from Asia and Europe joined the two-day conference to share their research on heritage conservation in 5 panel sessions, and around 80 participants took part in the event on-site or online. They had heated debates and discussions over issues surrounding the dynamics among UNESCO, professionals, local communities and nation states on heritage conservation along the Belt and Road Zones. The Conference Organising Committee plans to publish an edited volume of the selected papers in 2021.
主辦單位十分榮幸邀請到兩位文化遺產保育的傑出學者擔任首日會議的主題演講嘉賓,他們分別為來自西澳大學的Tim Winter教授及倫敦大學學院的Tim Williams 教授。而17位來自歐亞的本地以及海外學者在兩日的會議中組成5個小組,分享他們對文化遺產保育的研究成果;同時亦有約80位與會者分別以親身或線上模式參與會議。各人就聯合國教科文組職、專業人士、地方人士及國家之間在「一帶一路」文化遺產保育過程中的互動議題作出熱烈討論。會議籌備委員會將輯錄傑出的會議文章成書,並於2021年出版。

Local and overseas scholars share their research on heritage conservation. 本地及海外學者分享他們對文化遺產保育的研究成果。

Participants take part in the on-site conference. 參加者現場參與會議。