SSC Research Seminar: GhostPa’s Kitchen

Invitation to SSC Research Seminar: GhostPa’s Kitchen


This is the second season of Hong Kong Legends. With the same theme of Hong Kong Legends, this book continues to talk about ghost and death. There two main themes in this book are “Death” and “Eating”. Reflecting upon our own experiences, we have only very few channels to know more about topics like dead, ghost, hell etc. When we are still little children, if we asked our parents about those topics, it is very likely that we will be scolded for our questions. It seems that dead, ghost and hell are something which are very bad and will bring us bad fortune even when we talk about them. We have accumulated lots of questions about such topics and we do not know the answers till now. We want to know the meaning behind the rituals in the funerals; we want to know why we can’t use some food for sacrifice when we worship our ancestors; we want to know why people will put food into the coffin and what is the meaning behind. If you asked such questions, you will probably get an answer like this: “Little child should not ask such questions, knock on wood.” In order to satisfy your curiosity, this book talks about the legends and heritage behind “Meals for the dead”. This book will introduce to the readers stories behind the rituals and their modern development. Common misunderstandings towards the rituals and the meaning behind will also be clarified. By tracing back the historical roots, this book will show the readers the cultural, psychological and historical knowledge about all these issues.




講者: 潘啟聰博士 (社會科學系講師)








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