BSocSc-AS students were invited to perform the traditional Hakka Qilin Dance in Hang Hau Mazu Temple, as part of the celebrating events for the Mazu Birthday ceremony. These training and performance activities are arranged by The Conservancy Association Centre for Heritage (CACHe), for promoting local cultural heritage conservation.
You can view the Qilin Dance Performance on our BSocSc-AS Facebook Page.
疫情期間,亦無阻亞硏同學的實習活動。他們在長春社文化古蹟資源中心 The Conservancy Association Centre for Heritage (CACHe) 的安排下,跟隨馬游塘村的師傅們學習傳統客家舞麒麟技藝。今日正值天后寶誕大日子,於坑口天后古廟為公眾表演舞麒麟。是繼上一次日本遊學團參加宮崎夜神樂祭典後,亞研同學再一次親身參與表演傳統習俗活動,為承傳亞洲文化出一分力,貫徹「實踐就是保育」的精神。