The School of Humanities and Social Science held the School Award Presentation Ceremony on 17 Nov 2018. 8 students from the Asian Studies (BSocSc-AS) and Creative Cultural Industries (BA-CCI) programmes were awarded the Dean’s List Honour and the Best Progress Award.
Dean’s List
CHAN Ho Yin (AS)
FONG Lok Tim (AS)
HE Suying (AS)
LAU To Wing (AS)
LI Yuk Ki (AS)
LO Kar Li (AS)
CHAN Wing Yan Vivian (CCI)
YIP Hiu Ping (CCI)
Best Progress Award
CHAN Wing Yin (AS)
CHUNG Uen Yui (AS)
HONG Shun Lok (AS)
LAM Tsz Wing (AS)
LAW Hon Yin Desmond (AS)
Also, 2 students have been awarded the Talent Development Scholarship, the Self-financing Post secondary Scholarship Scheme, Education Bureau, Hong Kong SAR Government.
2017-18 LAM Tsz Wing (AS)
2016-17 LAM Tsz Wing (AS)