Renowned Experts in Public Management Lead HSUHK’s Graduate Programmes

Stanford University recently released the ‘Updated science-wide author databases of standardized citation indicators’, which ranks the top 2% of scientists worldwide based on Scopus data. The Hang Seng University of Hong Kong (HSUHK) is excited to have researchers being recognized as world leading scholars. Professor Ka Ho Mok and Dr Ying Ho Kwong from the Department of Social Science of HSUHK are named as top scholars in the fields of Education and Political Science and Public Administration, and Cultural Studies and Geography, respectively. 

According to the Global Top Scholars Academic Influence Ranking of 2024, Professor MOK Ka-ho, who serves as Provost and Vice President (Academic and Research), Dean of the Graduate School, and Chair Professor of the Department of Social Science at HSUHK, is ranked 2nd nationally in Political Science and Public Administration as sub-fields of research area.

With world leading scholars in political science and public management, together with a strong team of faculty members conducting research related to public management and policy studies in the Department of Social Science and Graduate School, HSUHK is well positioned to offer academic and research programmes in the respective areas. Currently, the Department of Social Science offers an academically exciting Master of Social Sciences in Public Policy and Risk Governance, placing significant emphasis on advancing its public management programme to tackle the increasing global challenges and emerging social risks. This pioneering programme aims to provide students with a comprehensive grasp of public policy establishments and procedures, focusing on crafting inventive policy suggestions for intricate challenges within a constantly evolving risk society. The curriculum is a blend of theoretical insights and practical skills, preparing graduates for careers as policy analysts, risk and crisis managers, political consultants, NGO administrators, or for further academic pursuits at the doctoral level.

For more information on the Master programme in Public Policy and Risk Governance, including application details, please visit


史丹福大學最近發布了《2024年全球頂尖學者學術影響力排行榜》,依照Scopus數據評選出全球前2%的頂尖科學家。香港恒生大學(恒大) 公共管理及政治科學學科學者獲此譽榮, 社會科學系莫家豪教授及鄺英豪博士被評選為全球前2%的頂尖科學家。在全球頂尖學者學術影響力排行榜中, 莫家豪教授更在以政治學與公共管理作爲次領域的排行中,位列中國學者第二名,彰顯其在中國地區的顯著學術影響力。

恒大社會科學系及研究生院師資優秀, 一直高度重視公共管理學科的發展,以應對日益增加的全球性挑戰和新興社會風險。恒大推出的公共政策與風險治理社會科學碩士學位課程,旨在為學生提供對公共政策體系和運作的全面掌握,專注為不斷變化的風險社會中的複雜問題,提出創新的管理策略與政策建議。課程融合了理論見解和實踐技能,培養學生成為政策分析師、風險和危機管理者、政治顧問、非政府組織管理人員,或進一步在博士層面從事學術研究。 如欲了解公共政策與風險治理社會科學碩士課程的詳情,請瀏覽。