Trends on Current Emigration in Hong Kong
For the current issue of Emigration in Hong Kong, HKEJ Monthly recently has interviewed Dr. Lucille Ngan:
For the current issue of Emigration in Hong Kong, HKEJ Monthly recently has interviewed Dr. Lucille Ngan:
Dr. Lucille Ngan, Associate Professor of the SSC Department,has recently published a journal titled ” Transnational Familyhood and Migration Strategies among Parachute Kids-turned-Parents from Hong Kong” in Asian Studies Review.
You can view the article thru the DOI:
本系陳嘉銘老師訪問今年亞研畢業的陳穎賢同學(Agnes),看看Agnes 講讀亞研如何幫助她求職和擴闊視野。對Agnes提到的體驗有興趣的同學,歡迎加入恒大亞研的大家庭!
本系陳嘉銘老師訪問今年亞研畢業的邱嘉弦同學(Tony),看看Tony 講讀亞研和他讀中學的經歷有什麼分別。對Tony 提到的體驗有興趣的同學,歡迎加入恒大亞研的大家庭!
水貨現象在近年香港引起不少爭議,同時也是亞洲各地的常見現象。今年恒大info day,孔寶華老師會主講「社會科學視角下的亞洲邊境水貨日常」,有興趣的朋友記緊出席!
The second HSUHK Teaching and Learning Forum will be held on 25 May 2021 (next Tuesday), featuring our 10 HSUHK Teaching Excellence Awards (AY2018/19 & AY2019/20) recipients and their esteemed guests from a wide range of local institutions.
Ms Maggie Wong and Dr Muk-yan Wong are invited to present in the Parallel Session III; Dr Eva Hung, Associate Head of the Department of…