International Workshop on Shadow Silk Road: Non-state Flow of Commodity, Capital, and People across Asia and Eurasia

Shadow Silk Road: Non-state Flow of Commodity, Capital, and People across Asia and Eurasia The Department of Social Science cordially invites you to attend the International Workshop on Shadow Silk Road: Non-state Flow of Commodity, Capital, and People across Asia and Eurasia. Date: 25-26 May 2017 Time: 9:00am – 5:30pm Venue D801, Lee Quo Wei Academic Building (Block D),…

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恒生管理學院社會科學系 與 國立臺灣大學政治學系 正式簽署 學術合作備忘錄

香港恒生管理學院社會科學系系主任高朗教授,於 2016 年10 月與國立臺灣大學政治學系洽談簽訂備忘錄事宜,並於 2017 年2月陪同恒生管理學院校長拜會國立臺灣大學楊校長,對於兩校交流達成多項共識。 2017 年4月17日,恒生管理學院社會科學系系主任高朗教授來臺與國立臺灣大學政治學系正式簽署「國立臺灣大學社會科學院政治學系與恒生管理學院社會科學系學術合作備忘錄」,期許未來兩系能有更多研究、教學合作及彼此師生交流,以共同提升兩系學術水準。

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A Philosophical Investigation of the Relationship between Emotion and Mood (RGC-FDS 2014-15)

Dr. WONG Muk Yan This project seeks to clarify and reformulate the conceptual relationship between emotions and moods in light of recent research in philosophy, cognitive psychology, and neuroscience. The argument is that the output of emotion, i.e. physiological and behavioral responses, can be monitored by a mood with respect to its influence on our bodily condition; and the…

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Early Fatherhood among Returnees in Hong Kong: Spousal Relations, Child-rearing and Work (RGC-FDS 2014-17 )

Dr. NGAN Lok Sun, Lucille Return migrants now constitute a significant proportion of Hong Kong’s migrant population as there has been a high rate of repatriation of skilled, professional middle-class migrants who emigrated as children to Western countries before the 1997 handover. This study examines the fatherhood experiences of second–generation return migrants through exploring their negotiation of work, spousal…

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Cross-border Exchanges and Shadow Economy in the Pearl River Delta Region (RGC-FDS 2014-17)

Dr. HUNG Po Wah, Eva Transnational movement of goods, capital, and labor has become a taken-for-granted activity under globalization. Yet apart from sketchy records of criminal activities, cross-border exchanges through informal or illicit means are seldom studied. This is particularly so when many ordinary citizens take advantage of the grey areas in unregulated transactions. While the scope and extent…

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