Professor TSIEN is a Visiting Professor of the Respati University of Indonesia, an Honorary Consultant of the Institute of Active Ageing and Jockey Club Smart Ageing Hub of the Department of Bio-medical Engineering, Hong Kong Polytechnic University (HKPU). She also lectures part time on the MSc in Clinical Gerontology and End of Life Programme, Dept. of Medicine, at the Chinese University of Hong Kong.
Research Interest
Teresa is the former Professor of Practice (Gerontology) of the Department of Applied Social Sciences and the Founding Director of the Institute of Active Ageing of the HKPU. Teresa has conducted research and published numerous articles and papers on social work and ageing, active ageing, gerontechnology, age-friendly city and dementia caregiving.
Research Activities (2012-2017) Co-investigator:
2012 “Evaluation on the effectiveness of services provided by Community Support Services to fulfill the needs of young elders of the Social Services Programme of Tung Wah Group” Social Welfare Department
2013 “Determinants of Successful Aging Across Various Cultural Contexts” German Research Council
2013 “Care for Dementia Caregivers for Better Caring: Profiling Care Demands and Testing a Tripartite Invention Program” University Block Grant
2013 “Effectiveness of life planning activities on enhancing the ageing adjustment of elderly people” St James Settlement
2013 “Volunteer Assisted Support Teleprogram (VAST) for Dementia Caregivers” Hong Kong Government Care and Promotion Fund
2014 “Study on the Training Needs of Older Adults” Employee Retraining Board
2014 “Consultancy for Formulating an Elderly Service Plan” and “Consultancy Service for Studying the Feasibility of Introducing a Voucher Scheme on Residential Care Service for the Elderly” Elderly Commission
2015 “Age –Friendly Cities in Kowloon City and Kwun Tong” the Hong Kong Jockey Club
2017 “Age-Friendly Cities in YautsimMong and Shamshuipo” the Hong Kong Jockey Club
Selected Publications (2012-16):
Au, A., Tsien, T., Lam, C. “Life Satisfaction in Hong Kong Older Adults”. International Conference on Productive Aging. Invited Presentation.
Au, A, Shardlow, S, Tend, Y, Tsien, T and Chan, C “Coping strategies and social support-seeking behaviour among Chinese caring for older people with dementia” by Ageing and Society / DOI: 10.1017/S0144686X12000724, Published online: 26 July 2012 Vol 33, Issue 08, Nov 2013 pp. 1422-1441 Cambridge University Press
Au, A. & Tsien, T. “Goals and Successful Aging.” Hong Kong Gerontological Association Annual Conference. Invited Presentation as Best Paper for the Conference “Dementia Caregiving in Hong Kong” presented at the 16TH ASIA PACIFIC REGIONAL CONFERENCE OF ALZHEIMER’S DISEASE INTERNATIONAL Hong Kong
“ Older Adults as caregivers in Hong Kong” Productive Engagement in Later Life: A Global Perspective (Google eBook) Nancy Morrow-Howell, Ada C. Mui Routledge 2014 – social Science – 240 pages
“Ageing in Place in Hong Kong” Annual Scientific Conference on Ageing, Singapore
“Study on the Training Needs of Older Adults ” commissioned by Employee Retraining Board
Hofer, Busch, Au A., Poláčková Šolcová I, Tavel P, Tsien T. “For the benefit of others: Generativity and meaning in life in the elderly in four cultures.” Psychology of Aging. 29(4), Dec 2014, 764-775
Au, A., Ng, E., Lai, S., Tsien, T. & Hofer J. “Goals and Life Satisfaction of the Hong Kong Chinese Older Adults”. In A. Au. & D. Gallagher-Thompson (Eds.) Special Issue on Working with Older Adults: Innovations and Implementations. Clinical Gerontologist, 38 (3), 224-234.
Au, A, Yip HM, Chan, WC, Bai, X & Tsien, T Ageing & Mental Health: Challenges and Innovations in Hong Kong” in Li, W, Cummings, S, Ponnuswami, I & Park, HJ (Eds.) Ageing & Mental Health: Global Perspectives, Nova Science Publishing, Inc.
Hofer, Busch, Au A., Poláčková Šolcová I, Tavel P, Tsien T. Generativity does not necessarily satisfy all your needs: Associations among cultural demand for generativity, generative concern, generative action and need satisfaction in the elderly in four cultures. Developmental Psychology v.52, no.3, p509-519
Appointment to Hong Kong Government Boards:
- Social Welfare Department Opportunities for the Elderly Project
- SCNAM Regional Appeal Committee
- Radio and Television Hong Kong Programme Advisory Committee
- Social Welfare Department Coordinating Committee on Elderly Services
Other Appointment:
- President of WINGS (Women’s Initiative for Ageing Successfully)
- Vice-chairman of the Senior Citizen Home Safety Association
- Vice-chairman of MIP Care Resources Network
- Chairman of Tsimshatsui Kaifong Welfare Association Education Committee
- Honorary member of the Greater Bay Area Social Service Professional Association
- Honorary member of East New Territories District Committee, Hong Kong Red Cross
- Board member of the Hong Kong Alzheimer’s Disease Association
- Member of Age Friendly Steering Committee of the Hong Kong Council of Social Service
- Member of the Assessment Panel for social worker credentialing and CPD course accreditation of the Hong Kong Academy of Social Work
- Member of Helping Hand Holiday Centre Management Committee
- Member of the Advisory Committee of Project Concern
- Member of Committee on Promotion of Scout Social Service, Scout Association of Hong Kong
- Member of Service Management Committee, Aberdeen Kaifong Association
Advisor to Non-Government Organisations:
- Neighborhood Advice-Action Council Elderly Service
- Project Concern
- Aberdeen Kaifong Welfare Association
- Hong Kong Federation of Senior Citizen Industries
- Hong Kong Joint Council of Parents of the Mentally Handicapped
Research Panel Reviewer:
- Public Policy Research Funding Scheme
- British Journal of Social Work
- Hong Kong Nursing Journal
- The Hong Kong Journal of Social Work
Internationally, Teresa is a Hong Kong representative of ACAP (Active Aging Consortium in Asia Pacific). Teresa was awarded the Certificate of Commendation by the government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region in 2017 in appreciation of her contributions to the ageing research, policy and education.