MPhil (CUHK); MSSc (NUS)
Lecturer, Department of Social Science
Email : josephli@hsu.edu.hk
Dr. Li earned his PhD and MPhil in Cultural Studies from the Chinese University of Hong Kong. He also holds a Master’s degree in Social Science from the Cultural Studies in Asia program at the National University of Singapore’s Department of Sociology. He was a recipient of the Hong Kong PhD Fellowship (2017-2019) and the Global Humanities Junior Fellowship at Freie Universität Berlin (2018).
An interdisciplinary practitioner of social and cultural studies, he is currently working on several projects: the cultural history of tourism between overseas and mainland Chinese, video game heritage in Sinophone Asia, and Hong Kong’s small shops culture and its community economy.
Research Interests
- Cultural studies
- Affect theories
- Public culture
- Knowledge transfer in postdigital contexts
- Intellectual media and cultural translation
- Social and community economy
- Critical heritage studies (ordinary or everyday heritage)
- Urban space, social practice arts, and cultural tourism
- Sociocultual formation in Hong Kong, China, Sinophone Asia, Inter-Asia, and Global Easts
Courses Taught
- ASI3005 Appreciating Asian Art, Heritage and Museum
- ASI4101 Special Topics in Asian Studies: Sinophone Cultures in Southeast Asia
- ASI4009 Globalization of Korean Popular Culture
- GEN1000 Perspectives on General Education
- GEN1017 Introduction to Cultural Studies
- 2024 – 2025. Team member. Anti-Scam and Financial Education and Research Project. Strategic Development Grant and Research Matching Grant Scheme (Research MGS). The Hang Seng University of Hong Kong. Award: HK$469,000.
- 2022 – 2024. Principal Investigator. Cultural Exchanges in the Cold War: Visiting Tours and Affective Connections in Sinophone Asia (1950s-1980s). Faculty Development Scheme, Research Grants Council, Hong Kong (UGC/FDS14/H08/21). Award: HK$917,455.
- 2022 – 2024. Team member. From Retro to the Metaverse Games: Imagining Asia and Creative Industries from the Past, the Present, to the Future. Strategic Development Grant. The Hang Seng University of Hong Kong. Award: HK$197,000.
- 2021. University Research Start-Up Fund. The Hang Seng University of Hong Kong.
- 2018. Global Humanities Junior Fellowship. Principles of Cultural Dynamics, The Free University of Berlin.
- 2017 – 2019. Hong Kong PhD Fellowship. Research Grants Council, Hong Kong (PF15-12326). Award: HK$720,000.
- 2010 – 2014. Research Fellowship. National University of Singapore.
Selected Journal Articles
- Li, C. K. (2023). Curatorial Introduction: Locations of Hope. Critical Asia Archives: Events and Theories.
- Li, C. K. (2021). Disaffection in a Special Affective Region. Critical Asia Archives: Events and Theories.
- Li, C. K. (2021). Raw Fear in Hong Kong. HAU: Journal of Ethnographic Theory, 11(3), 1045-1059. [SSCI]
- Li, C. K. (2019). A Hong Kong Intellectual and his Mass Publication During the Cultural Revolutionization: Quotations from Man Yan Kit in the 1967 Riot. Hong Kong Studies, (2)1, 25-35.
- Li, C. K. (2019). Freedom as Articulation: Reflections on Liberalism in Hong Kong. global-e, 11(23).
- Li, C. K. (2019). A Society with Wronged-Souls: Hong Kong as China’s Heterotopia. Hong Kong Journal of Social Sciences, 52, 5-18.
- Shen, X. H. & Li, C. K. (2015). The Cultural Side-Effects of the Sino-Soviet Split: The Influence of Albanian Movies in China in the 1960s. Modern China Studies, 22(1), 215-231.
Selected Book Chapters
- LI, C. K. (2021). Asia’s Refugee City: Hong Kong in the Cold War. In M. Popescu, Zien, K, & K. Bystrom (Eds.), The Cultural Cold War and the Global South: Sites of Contest and Communitas, pp. 238-251. New York: Routledge.
- LI, C. K. (2021). Medium and Articulation: Teaching Humanities Classics with Cultural Studies. In C. H. Leung, P. H. Lau & C. H. Li (Eds.), Humanities Classics and Liberal Education, pp. 25-41. Hong Kong: The Chinese University of Hong Kong Press.
- Li, C. K. (2016). China’s Spring Festival Television Gala. In J. Murray, & K. Nadeau (Eds.), Pop Culture in Asia and Oceania, pp. 201-203. Santa Barbara: ABC-CLIO/Greenwood Press.Li, C. K.
- Li, C. K. (2013). The “Port Aspects” of Local Consciousness: So Sau Chong. In C. K. Chan, & W. L. Wong (Eds.), Local Discourse, pp. 125-136. Taipei: AzothBooks.
- Li, C. K. (2009). Colonial Spatial Politics in Hong Kong: A Study of Victoria Park. In K. W. Ma (Ed.), Exploring China Urban Studies, pp. 55-79. Hong Kong Institute of Asia-Pacific Studies.
Selected Presentations
- LI, C. K (2024). Cold War Tours in Sinophone Asia [Presenter] The 25th Biennial Asian Studies Association of Australia (ASAA) Conference, Curtin University, Perth.
- LI, C. K. (2023). Small Shops: A Cultural Infrastructure and the Production of Conviviality [Speaker] Theory Hong Kong Conference. Hong Kong Studies Initiative, University of British Columbia, and Hong Kong Studies, University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong.
- LI, C. K. (2023). Large Language Model (LLM) as a Tool of Cultural Translation [Speaker] Data Science Research Centre Talk Series, Caritas Institute of Higher Education, Hong Kong.
- LI, C. K., Dixon WU (2023). Preserving Video Game: Fandom and Heritigization [Speaker] Hong Kong Seminar Series, Richard Charles Lee Canada-Hong Kong Library 利銘澤典宬, University of Toronto, Toronto.
- LI, C. K., Pui-sze CHEUNG, Christine CHOY, Kin-long TONG (2023). Video Game as Cultural Heritage: Exhibition, Education, and Research [Speaker] Conceptual Practice: Research and Pedagogy in Art, Design, Creative Industries, and Cultural Heritage International Conference, Hang Seng University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong.
- LI, C. K. (2022). Cultural Theories in Cultural Studies. [Speaker] Postgraduate Seminar at International Studies, Ritsumeikan University, Kyoto.
- LI, C. K. (2022). Small Stores as Method. [Speaker] Symposium on Doing Cultural Studies in Hong Kong, Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong.
- LI, C. K. (2022). Cold War as Porous: Mapping the Tourscape of Sinophone Asia. [Speaker] Department of Cultural Studies, Lingnan University, Hong Kong.
- LI, C. K. (2022). Making a Tricontinental Liberalism: Hong Kong’s Student U Presses. [Speaker] Paper presented at Remembering a Tricontinental Past, King’s College London (Online Symposium).
- LI, C. K. (2019). Man Yan-kit in 1967 Riot. [Speaker] Paper presented at the Association for Cultural Typhoon Conference, Keio University, Tokyo.
- LI, C. K. (2018). Causality in Culture: Empirically Verifiable or Modelling Category? Principle of Cultural Dynamics. Paper presented at the Free University of Berlin, Berlin.
- LI, C. K. (2017). Conflict and Justice: Precarious Bodies in Inter-Asia Societies. Paper presented at the International Institute for Cultural Studies, Chiao Tung University, Hsinchu.
- LI, C. K. (2012). The Asian Edge: 2012 Inter-Asia Cultural Studies Society (IACS) Summer School. Center for the Study of Culture and Society, Bangalore.
- LI, C. K. (2011). Teresa Teng as an Ideal Female in Post Mao China. Paper presented at the Symposium: Techno-Soundings: Acoustic Methodologies of the Ear, Music Department, the University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong, Hong Kong.
- LI, C. K. (2010). Victoria Park: Politics of Public Space in Colonial Hong Kong. [Speaker] Paper presented at the Crossroads for Cultural Studies Conference, Lingnan University, Hong Kong.