Assistant Professor, Department of Social Science
Tel : (852) 3963 5668
Email : chrisli@hsu.edu.hk
ORCID: 0000-0002-9286-8717
Chris Li received his PhD in Political Science from Central European University (CEU) in 2019. He researches on political theory and philosophy of socialism, jurisprudence of constitutional review from a comparative perspective, and political economy of urban social movements. He is interested in teaching history of political economy, contemporary history of Central and Eastern Europe, political theory, and law. In leisure time, he occasionally contributes essays and book reviews to local newspapers, magazines and media sites.
Research Interests
Political theory and Philosophy of Socialism, Comparative Constitutional Theory and Politics, Democratic Theories
Courses Taught
- PPE2002 History and Philosophy and Economics
- PPE2003 Political Economy
- PPE4002 Public Choice
- RPG6302 Managing Risk Society
Selected Journal Articles
- Wong, B. and Li, M. K. (2023), Talk May Be Cheap, but Deeds Seldom Cheat: On Political Liberalism and the Assurance Problem. American Journal of Political Science. Early View: https://doi.org/10.1111/ajps.12770
- Li, M. K. (2021). A socialist justification of the market. Review of Social Economy, 79(3), 419-438. https://doi.org/10.1080/00346764.2021.1887507
- Li, M. K. (2017). Why egalitarian distributive justice needs equal suffrage. Romanian Journal of Society and Politics, 12(1), 7-24.
Selected Book Chapters
- Li, M. K. (2022). Between liberalism and nationalism: Hong Kong’s anti-ELAB protests and the right to the city. In W. Liu, C. Chien, Y. Z. Chung & E. Tse (Eds.), Reorienting Hong Kong’s resistance: Leftism, decoloniality, and internationalism (pp. 93–102). Palgrave Macmillan. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-981-16-4659-1_7
- 李敏剛(2021)。〈到海耶克之路:從古典政治經濟學到自由主義經濟學〉。梁卓恆、劉保禧、李駿康編,《字裡人間:人文經典與通識教育》(頁229-249)。香港中文大學出版社。
- 李敏剛(2019)。〈洛克論自由主義、私有產權及階級社會〉。菜市場政治學共同編輯群編,《菜市場政治學: 選舉專號》(頁67-74)。左岸文化。
Other Publications
- Li, M. K. (2020, September 9). The Chinese ‘new left’ as statist apologists. E-International Relations.
- 李敏剛(2021)。〈法治的條件與主權在民:羅爾斯的憲政觀與香港經驗的對話〉。《二十一世紀》,第185期(6月號),頁21-32。
- 李敏剛(2021)。〈川普作為反對運動意志的試煉〉。《思想》,第42期(4月號),頁299-308。
- 李敏剛(2018)。〈馬克思主義與社會自由–評Axel Honneth, The Idea of Socialism: Towards a Renewal〉。《二十一世紀》, 第167期(6月號),頁132-141。
- 李敏剛(2016)。〈匈牙利1956年革命的思想遺產:畢波的政治思想與自由社會主義〉。《思想》,第32期(12月號),頁39-54。
Selected Presentations
Li, M. K. & Wong, B. (2023, September), The Eye of a Needle: On how the convergence conception of public justification upsets social insurance. Paper presented at MANCEPT Workshop 2023, United Kingdom.
- Li, M. K. (2023, June), Neither Self-realization nor Needs Satisfaction: A Dilemma of Marx’s View of Unalienated Production. Paper presented at the 13th Braga Meetings on Ethics and Political Philosophy, Portugal.
- Chao, H. K. & Li, M. K. (2021, April), An Anatomy of Pro-Donald Trump Sentiment in the Anti-Extradition Bill movement in Hong Kong. Paper presented at the 78th Annual MPSA Political Science Conference, Midwest Political Science Association, United States.
- Li, M. K. (2020, August), Methodology, Nationalism and the Right to the City. Paper presented at the Aspects of Politics in Contemporary Sinophone World, Center for Political Thought RCHSS, Academia Sinica, Taiwan.
- Li, M. K. (2019, October), A Crisis Theory of Populism. Paper presented at the Hong Kong Political Science Association Annual Conference 2019, Hong Kong Political Science Association, Hong Kong Baptist University, Hong Kong.
- Li, M. K. (2018, June), Statist Populism and the Back Sliding of Democracy in Central and Eastern Europe. Paper presented at the International Conference: Labor and Social Movement in the Age of Global Populism, RC47, City University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong.
- Li, M. K. (2017, April), Reconsidering the Normative Foundation of Democratic Socialism: Themes from Lukács and Márkus. Paper presented at the The Legacy of Georg Lukács: An International Conference, ELTE and Central European University, Hungary.
- Li, M. K. (2016, June), Individual Responsibility and Public Justification: Are They Really Compatible? Paper presented at Symposium on Steven Wall’s works, Summer School: Equality and Citizenship, University of Rijeka & The Center for Advanced Studies of South East Europe, Croatia, with reply from Steven Wall.
- Li, M. K. (2016, April), Can Workplace Democracy be justified by Deliberative Democracy? Paper presented at the Annual Doctoral Conference 2016, Central European University, Hungary.
- Li, M. K. (2016, March), Individual Responsibility and the Role of Market in Liberalism. Paper presented at the HKU Graduate Conference in Political Theory 2016, The University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong.
- Li, M. K. (2015, September), From Equal Moral Standing to Equal Vote: A Defense. Paper presented at the 13th Pavia Graduate Conference in Political Philosophy, University of Pavia, Italy.
- Li, M. K. (2015, June), Is Liberal Market Socialism Exploitative? Paper presented as an invited speaker, at Symposium on Alan Thomas’s forthcoming book in Oxford University Press, Republic of Equals: Predistribution and Property-Owning Democracy, University of Rijeka, Croatia.
- Li, M. K. (2015, March), A Normative Theory of Socialism. Paper presented at 7th Graduate Network Conference 2015, European University Institute, Italy.
- Li, M. K. (2010, October), Ethnic Presence in Urban Hong Kong: A Case Study on the Location of Clansmen’s Associations in Hong Kong. Paper presented at Urban Management for an Urban Future Workshop, University of Ljubljana, Slovenia.