MA & MPhil (KU Leuven)
PhD (Liège)
Senior Lecturer, Department of Social Science
Tel : (852) 3963 5387
Email : andywong@hsu.edu.hk
Dr Andy Wong obtained his Ph.D in philosophy at the Université de Liège in 2017. His dissertation is entitled “Critical Life: Bergson, Canguilhem and the Critical Investigation of Life and the Living” under the supervision of Prof. Florence Caeymaex and Dr. Charles T. Wolfe. He is now preparing the publication of his first monograph entitled “Bergson and Canguilhem: A Critical Study of Philosophy of Life,” currently under review by Edinburgh University Press. He also received his MA and MPhil in philosophy from Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, his MA in Intercultural Studies from the Chinese University of Hong Kong, his BA in Religious Studies from Hong Kong Baptist University.
Research Interests
Philosophy of Life; Contemporary French Philosophy; History of Modern Chinese Thought; Ethics, Religion and Secularization
Courses Taught
- ASI3004 Religions and Societies in Asia
- GEN2003 Understanding Morality
- GEN2021 An Inquiry of the Big Questions
- PPE1003 Ethics
- PPE3002 Law, Morality and Religion
Selected Publications
Selected Journal Articles
- 潘啟聰、黃大德合著(2023)。〈福慧雙增在慈善工作的重要性——來自大覺福行中心的啟發〉,《玄奘佛學研究》(審校中)。
- Wong, A. T. T. (2011). Hegel et Engels sur la famille et le politique. (Traduction par G. Lejeune). Revue Mosaique, 54-67.
Selected Book Chapters
- 黃大德 (2023)。〈宇宙基督的信使 ─ 德日進與整體生態學的理念關懷〉。載於林榮鈞(主編),《天主教生態思想》。香港:香港中文大學天主教研究中心 (審校中)。
- Wong, A. T. T. (2020). “What kind of vitalism in The Normal and The Pathological?” Co-authored with Charles T. Wolfe and Matteo Penoncelli; Edited by Pierre-Olivier Méthot, Vital Norms: Canguilhem’s The Normal and the Pathological in the Twenty-First Century. Paris: Éditions Hermann, 164-187.
- 黃大德 (2020)。〈綿延、直覺與生命 ── 柏格森和他的生命哲學〉。載於陳錦輝(主編),《一切 II:裝置生命》。香港:德慧文化圖書有限公司。
Wong, A. T. T. (2015). “The Return of Vitalism: Canguilhem, Bergson and the Project of a Biophilosophy”. Co-authored with Charles T. Wolfe; Edited by Miguel de Beistegui, Giuseppe Bianco & Marjorie Gracieuse, The Care of Life (London & New York: Rowman & Littlefield), 63-77.
Other Publications
- 黃大德 (2018)。〈從生命進化到宇宙終結:德日進 (Teilhard de Chardin) 的生命哲學〉。《哲學01》。
Selected Presentations
- Wong, A. T. T. (2019, May 9). The Vital and the Political: Bergson on the Reinvention of the Politics. Paper presented at International Conference on Phenomenology and the Political, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong.
- Wong, A. T. T. (2016, April 22). Vie et Technique: Canguilhem et le renouvellement du bergsonisme. Paper presented at the Symposium on Georges Canguilhem. Science, technique, politique : perspectives actuelles, Université de Liège.
- Wong, A. T. T. (2014, December 3). Life and technology in Bergson’s Creative Evolution. Paper presented at the workshop on Bergson and twentieth-century history of philosophy in France, Universiteit Gent.
- Wong, A. T. T. (2013, June 21). Life as Constraint and as Challenge: Bergson, Canguilhem and the Perplexity of Vitalism. Paper presented at the Symposium on Forms of Vitalism, Universiteit Gent.
- Wong, A. T. T. (2012, March 1). The Triumph of Seeing – Jacques Ellul on the Critique of Technology. Paper presented at the Symposium on Technique, politique et médiation, Université de Liège.
- Wong, A. T. T. (2011, December 8). Critical Investigation of the Concept of Life: Canguilhem or Bergson. Paper presented at the Séminaire interuniversitaire des doctorants 2011-2012, Université de Liège.
- Wong, A. T. T. (2011, June 28). Deleuze on the revival of Bergson’s élan vital. Paper presented at the 4th International Deleuze Studies Conference: Creation, Crisis, Critique, Copenhagen Business School.
- Wong, A. T. T. (2011, May 6). Hegel and Engels on the Family and the Politics. Paper presented at the Symposium on Hegel and the Politics, Université Libre de Bruxelles.