MPhil (HKU)
Senior Lecturer, Department of Social Science
Fellow, Evergreen College
Tel : (852) 3963 5537
Email : michaelchan@hsu.edu.hk
Dr Michael Chan received his BA, MPhil and PhD degrees from The University of Hong Kong in 1998, 2001 and 2008 respectively. His research interests include: Cultural Tourism, Heritage Conservation and Management; Hong Kong Urban Studies; Social Media and Networking. Before joining the Department, Michael taught courses in Cultural Tourism and General Studies at the School of Continuing and Professional Studies, CUHK and HKUST College of Life Long Learning.
Michael is currently the member of Advisory and Technical Committee, Advisory Board of Social Science and Humanities Research Association (SSHRA); Asian Academy for Heritage Management (AAHM); Royal Asiatic Society Hong Kong Branch (RASHKB) and The Association for Geo-conservation, Hong Kong (AGHK). He is also working as part-time Lecturer at the Department of Geography, HKU. For community service, Michael is serving as the Research Officer in the Centre for Life and Ethics Studies, The Society for Truth and Light, and the member of Hong Kong Gambling Watch.
Research Interests
Hong Kong Urban Development, Cultural Tourism and Management, Cultural Heritage Conservation, Applied Ethics
Courses Taught
- ASI3006 Cultural Tourism in Asia
- ASI4005 Environmental Issues and Sustainability in Asia
- GEN1000 Perspectives on General Education
- GEN2011 Plants and Civilisation
- GEN2033 Cultural Tourism
- 2022-23 (1 year) Co-Investigator. Research Project on Western Harbour Tunnel and its Contribution to the development of the Society of Hong Kong. Western Harbour Tunnel Company Limited. Award: $500,000. (Project No: 20221213L01/(CPRO-)/KP)
- 2021-22 Associate Project Leader. ECF Community Eco-citizens – Together We Share, We Learn, We Enjoy. Environment and Conservation Fund: Environmental Education and Community Action (EE&CA) Project fund, Environmental Campaign Committee, HKSAR Government. Award: HK$470,271. Project No. 2363.
- 2019-20. Co-Investigator. Nature Journaling: Ma Lai Hau Hang and Beyond. Sustainability Development Grant (SDG), The Institute for Youth Sustainability Development (IYSL), HSUHK. Award: HK$100,000.
- 2018-19. Principal Investigator. Farming for Sustainability @ Evergreen College. Sustainable Development Grant (SDG), The Institute for Youth Sustainability Development (IYSL), HSMC. Award: HK$95,550.
- 2018-20. Team member. Integrating Service Learning into Classroom Learning. Quality Enhancement Support Scheme (QESS), Education Bureau, HKSAR Government. Award: HK$2,027,1675.
- 2017-18. Co-Investigator. Green Life Education Programme. Annual Thematic Donation on the theme of “Community Building” / “Life Education”, The Board of Management of the Chinese Permanent Cemeteries (BMCPC). Award: HK$88,530.
- 2017-18. Co-Investigator. Exploring Hakka @Evergreen College Program. Sin Wai Kin Chinese Culture Promotion Scheme, HSMC. Award: HK$38,100.
- 2016-17. Co-Investigator. Organic Farming @Evergreen College Program. Sin Wai Kin Chinese Culture Promotion Scheme, HSMC. Award: HK$30,000.
- 2011-12. Principal Investigator. The Study on the Attitude on Hong Kong 80/90’s Youth. Mission Matching Fund, Hong Kong Chinese Christian Churches Union. Award: HK$41,000.
- 2009-10. Principal Investigator. The Study on Hong Kong Christians’ Addictive behaviours and Patterns. Mission Matching Fund, Hong Kong Chinese Christian Churches Union. Award HK$51,000.
- Hang Sang University Long Service Award (10 years)
- 2016 HSMC Teaching Excellence Award
Selected Journal Articles
- Kin On Kwok, Chan, W. H. M., and others (2023). How can we transform travel medicine by leveraging on AI-powered search engines? Journal of Travel Medicine, Volume 30, Issue 4, May 2023, taad058. https://doi.org/10.1093/jtm/taad058
- Li, K., Chan, W. H. M., Lee, S. S. and Kwok, K. O. (2019). The mediating roles of social benefits and social influence on the relationships between collectivism, power distance, and influenza vaccination among Hong Kong nurses: A cross-sectional study. International Journal of Nursing Studies, 99, 9-17. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ijnurstu.2019.05.007
- Chan, W. H. M. and Chiu, C. N. K. (2017). Survey of Hong Kong Christians’ attitude on Marriage (香港基督信徒婚姻態度調查). International Journal of Sino & Western Studies (國學與西學國際學刊). 12, 35-47. https://www.sinowesternstudies.com/back-issuses/vol-12-2017/
- Jim, C.Y. and Chan, W. H. M. (2016). Urban greenspace delivery in Hong Kong: Spatial-institutional limitations and solutions.Urban Forestry and Urban Greening 18, 65–85. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ufug.2016.03.015
Selected Book Chapters
- Lee, S. K. and Chan, W. H. M. (2020). Working paper on Hong Kong Christian’s Mental Status, Spiritual Life and Social Engagement: (香港基督徒心理狀態、信仰生命及社會參與研究進度報告). In Ng, L. (ed.) Adversity, Rebuild and Restore (逆境.重建.復原) (pp. 11-16). Hong Kong: The Society for Truth and Light.
- Chan, W. H. M. (2019). Crowdfunding and the Power of Consumption (眾籌與消費力). In: Wang D. (ed.) Hongkonger 2.0: Evolution in progress (香港人2.0 ——事件尚未結束,進化已經完成) (pp, 125-132). Taiwan: Mezu Press.
- Chan, W. H. M. and Ma, S. W. N. (2019). A 20-years review of Hong Kong Secondary Schools’ Sex Education programme (廿年需要幾番新?從性教育講座內容看中學性教育的重點和需要). In Ng, L. (ed.) Sex and Moral Education in Hong Kong: Who, What and How to Deliver (性不教,誰之過?如何在學校推行情性教育) (pp. 12-47). Hong Kong: The Society for Truth and Light.
- Chan, W. H. M. and Chiu, C. N. K. (2018). Working paper on the Interviews to Hong Kong baby-boomers on the Verge of death (香港嬰兒潮出生者對臨終的看法:研究工作報告). In Ng, L. (ed.)Treasuring Life, Knowing Death (惜生知死) (pp. 15-22). Hong Kong: The Society for Truth and Light.
- Chan, W. H. M. and Chiu, C. N. K. (2017). A survey on Hong Kong Students’ Self-esteem Development, their perception on Parenting and Parental Involvement (子女對父與母參與的觀感及自尊感的關係—香港中小學生調查). In Ng, L. (ed.) Parenting and Children’s Self-esteem and Spiritual Development (代代失傳?父母對子女身心靈的影響) (pp. 10-37). Hong Kong: The Society for Truth and Light.
- Chan, W. H. M. and Chiu, C. N. K. (2016). Hong Kong people’s attitude on Marriage (香港人婚姻態度研究). In Ng, L. (ed.) Hong Kong people’s attitude Marriage in 21st Century context (婚姻大事:廿一世紀香港人的婚姻觀) (pp.29-67). Hong Kong: The Society for Truth and Light.
- Chan, W. H. M. (2015). Issues on Hong Kong Gambling Problem (賭博問題的一些思考). In: Ng, L. and Law, Y. T (eds.) Living out Social theology in Hong Kong (城造在香港—活出社關神學) (pp. 134-144). Hong Kong: China Alliance Press & Christian Publishing.
- Chan, W. H. M. (2015). Do we need to weep on singing the National Anthem of the People’s Republic of China? (唱國歌,的確很感動流淚?) In: Ip I. and Chan K. (eds.)Boycott Classes, Continue Learning: A review on the concepts and thoughts for the Umbrella Movement (罷課不罷學:雨傘運動前夕的理論和思想大檢閱) (pp, 345-355). Hong Kong: Step Forward Multi Media.
- Chan, W. H. M. and Chiu, C. N. K. (2015). Survey of Hong Kong people’s attitude on property market development (香港人的置業行為與態度). In: Ng, L. (ed.) Hong Kong and the Land: Property, Faith and Life Planning (港土港地:產業、信仰、生涯規劃) (pp. 12-40). Hong Kong: The Society for Truth and Light.
Selected Book and Monograph
- Chan, W. H. M. and Chiu, C. N. K. (2018). Reports to the interviews to Hong Kong baby-boomers on the Verge of death (16位香港嬰兒潮出生者對死亡看法訪談匯報). Hong Kong: The Society for Truth and Light.
- Chan, W. H. M. and Ng, L. (2013). A Practical Guide to Life and Ethics (生命倫理錦囊). Hong Kong: China Alliance Press.
Selected Presentations
- Lee, S. K. and Chan, W. H. M. (2023, Jun. 16). Research study on Hong Kong Christians’ Divorce and Re-marriage: The changes of attitude and consideration. (基督徒離婚再婚觀研究) Keynote presentation, Conference on Divorce and Re-marriage among Hong Kong Christians (婚離從來不易——教會能否成為同行者?). Centre of Life and Ethics Studies, The Society for Truth and Light, Hong Kong.
- Kwok, K. and Chan, W. H. M. (2022, Aug. 12). Survey on the living and working attitudes of the Hong Kong’s new Christian generation (新一代基督徒的生活形態、 工作態度與事奉觀研究). Keynote presentation, Slash without limitation: A new style in the new generation (無牆無盡—善用恩賜的斜槓事奉). Centre of Life and Ethics Studies, The Society for Truth and Light, Hong Kong.
- Chan, W. H. M. (2021, Aug, 27). Liqueflying the Solid: Switching Hong Kong from International to Inter-Cation-al city under COVID-19 Pandemic. Paper accepted in the 34th International Geographical Congress (IGU 2021), Istanbul and online, Turkey.
- Chan, W. H. M. (2019, Aug 19). Sexual Education in Hong Kong’s Secondary Schools: A Review on Sex Education School talks and Workshops (情性教育,如何入校? 從性教育講座內容看中學性教育的重點及需要). Paper presented at the 7th Asian Conference on Sexuality Education (第七屆亞洲性教育會議), The Education University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong.
- Chan, W. H. M. and Cheung, P. (2019, Mar. 26). Farming to learn: An innovative teaching project for Nature deficit disorder (NDD) students in Hong Kong. Paper presented at the Asian Conference on Education & International Development (ACEID 2019), Tokyo Exhibition Centre, Japan.
- Chan, W. H. M. and Chiu, C. N. K. (2018, Aug 20). Apposite Parenting and Children’s Self-esteem: A survey on Hong Kong students. Paper presented at the Asian Family Summit: Sustainable Development & Family Well-Being: Agenda for Action in Asia, Hong Kong.
- Chan, W. H. M. (2018, Jul. 16). Acropolis in Danger? Impact assessment of high-rise developments around the Guia Fortress, the World Heritage of Centro Histórico de Macau. Paper presented at the Athens-International Conference on Research in Social Science and Humanities (ICRSSH), Athens, Greece.
- Chan, W. H. M. (2018, Mar. 31). Is ‘Hong Kong is not China’ a sign of Independence? An examination on Spaces and Identity between HK and China. Paper presented at the Asian Conference on the Arts and Humanities (ACAH), Kobe, Japan.
- Chan, W. H. M. (2017, Apr. 24). From Cultural Diplomacy to Shopping Spree: A case study on Chinese tourist boom. Paper presented at the IGU Thematic Conference: Geographies for Peace, La Paz, Bolivia.
- Chan, W. H. M. (2016, Apr. 3). Social Justice via Education: “Boycott Classes, Continue Learning” in Umbrella Movement. Paper presented at the Asian Conference on Education & International Development (ACEID), Kobe, Japan.
- Chan, W. H. M. (2016, Jul. 16). From Umbrella Movement to Fish-ball Revolution: A case study of “Glocalization” in Hong Kong. Paper presented at the IAFOR International Conference on Global Studies 2016, Barcelona, Spain.
- Chan, W. H. M. (2015, Aug. 19). Understanding the Umbrella Movement: An Urban Morphological approach. Paper presented at the IGU Regional Conference, Moscow, Russia.
- Chan, W. H. M. (2015, May 28). The Media in Umbrella Movement: Narratives, Organization, Communication and Action. Paper presented at the Fifth Asian Conference on Asian Studies, Kobe, Japan.
- Chan, W. H. M. (2014, Aug. 19). Himeji Castle “Egret’s Eye View”: A case study on incorporating heritage restoration and cultural tourism. Paper presented at the IGU Regional Conference, Krakow, Poland.
- Chan, W. H. M. (2014, Apr. 3). From Preservation, Revitalization to Reproduction: Assessment on different heritage conservation approaches in China, Hong Kong and Japan. Paper presented at the Fifth Asian Conference on the Arts and Humanities, Osaka, Japan.
- Chan, W. H. M. (2013, Aug. 5). Preserving an Intangible Cultural Heritage from Tang-China and Nara-Period Japan: Chi Lin Nunnery and Nam Lin Garden in Hong Kong. Paper presented at the IGU Regional Conference, Kyoto, Japan.
- Chan, W. H. M. (2013, May 9). Narrating Dr. Sun Yat-sen: His Thought, Family and Revolutions in Hong Kong and Macau. Paper presented at the International Conference on Macau Narratives, New University of Lisbon, Fundação Oriente, Lisbon, Portugal.
- Chan, W. H. M. (2012, June 14). Teaching Cultural Tourism in General Education: A Module for Cultural Heritage Studies. Paper presented at the General Education and University Curriculum Reform: An International Conference in Hong Kong, City University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong.
- Chan, W. H. M. (2009, Dec. 2). Is revitalisation the key: Preserving of Hong Kong’s oldest transport facilities. Paper presented at the 2nd Asian Academy for Heritage Management Conference, Macao Institute for Tourism Studies, Macau.