BA in Japanese Literature (Aichi Prefectural University)
MA in Chinese Literature (Nagoya)
Nationally Recognized Medical Interpreter of Aichi Prefecture
Senior Lecturer, Department of Social Science
Associate Director, Centre for Asian Language and Cultures
Tel : (852) 3963 5652
Email : cchan@hsu.edu.hk
Mr. Chan has a wide range of research interests from Japan that mainly covers three areas of Japanese Literature, Linguistics and Language Education. In terms of time span, he tries to deliver to his students from ancient times through the Heian, medieval, modern, and contemporary eras. In terms of literature, He tries to work from “Manyoushu” all the way to Haruki Murakami (including Chinese literature which has a deep influence on Japanese literature). In terms of linguistics, he tries to make a profound study from ancient Japanese to popular terminology of contemporary times as well as the field of language education, which involves teaching Japanese language to foreigners.
Research Interests
- Japanese Language
a. Contemporary Japanese grammar
b. “Kuzushiji” (崩し字) or “Cursive script” (草書体), especially for those which are used in classical literature as well as ukiyo-e (浮世絵) before Meiji. - Comparative Studies of Chinese and Japanese Literature and Culture, especially:
a. “Kanbun kundoku” (漢文訓読, means “Chinese writing Japanese reading”) , which is a kind of classical Chinese which is grammatically transformed into Japanese word order.
b. “Hakuwa syousetsu” (白話小説), which is a type of novel written in colloquial Chinese during the Ming Qing dynasty and Edo period.
Courses Taught
- ASI1101 Japanese I
- ASI1102 Japanese II
- ASI1103 Japanese III
- ASI4008 Understanding Japanese Identity Through Literature
- 2023. “Funding Scheme for International Youth Exchange (國際青年交流資助計劃) for organizing international exchange projects for the students of HSUHK.
- 2019. QESS for establishing the Centre for Asian Languages and Cultures (CALC,亞洲語言文化中心).
- Academic scholarships of Nagoya University by Nagoya University, 2008
- Honors scholarships for private-expense international students by The Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology, 2002
Selected Journal Articles
- 陳洲著, “『三言』の「怪異」について:その特色・研究史・研究方法を中心に”,『現代與文化:日本福祉大學研究紀要』(124), 日本福祉大學, pp113-126,2011
- 陳洲著, “『俳諧類船集』から見た和漢の鬼神観 ―謡曲と『聊斎志異』を中心に、「鬼」と「雨の夜」について”,『和漢比較文學研究會論文集』, 台灣大學日本語文學系, pp1-29,2008.
Selected Book Chapters
- 陳洲, (2007), “王國維”, “元曲・瀟湘雨”, “劉知遠諸宮調”,『「遊心」の祝福-中国文学者・青木正兒の世界-』, 名古屋大學附屬圖書館,15頁,76頁,78頁,2007
Books and Monographs
- 陳洲著,《日語的自我修養》,萬里機構,2022
- 陳洲著,《日本語能力試驗精讀本:3天學完N1 88個合格關鍵技巧》,萬里機構,2022
- 陳洲著,《日本語能力試驗精讀本:3天學完N3 88個合格關鍵技巧》,萬里機構,2021
- 陳洲著,《日本語能力試驗精讀本:3天學完N2 88個合格關鍵技巧》,萬里機構,2021
- 陳洲著,《日本語能力試驗精讀本:3天學完N4 88個合格關鍵技巧》,萬里機構,2020
- 陳洲著,《日本語能力試驗精讀本:3天學完N5 88個合格關鍵技巧》,萬里機構,2020
- 陳洲編修,《日本酒 Sake 第5版》,天合環球有限公司,2020
- 陳洲編修,《日本酒 Sake 第4版》,天合環球有限公司,2019
- 陳洲編修,《日本酒 Sake 第3版》,天合環球有限公司,2018
- 陳洲編修,《日本酒 Sake 第2版》,天合環球有限公司,2017
- 陳洲編修,《日本酒 Sake 第1版》,天合環球有限公司,2016
- Written by Chan Chau, “E-book Japanese 101” of the HSUHK MOOC (Massive Open Online Courses) system, 2017
Other Publications
- 陳洲著,《香港ワイン&ダインフェスティバル・日本文化祭》,天合環球有限公司,2023
- 陳洲監修,《日本酒 Sake 第1-7版》,天合環球有限公司,2016-2023
- Translated by Chan Chau, 《Tohoku-Japan Promotion 2017》, Tohoku Tourism Promotion Organization, 2017
- Translated by Chan Chau, 《Tohoku-Japan Promotion 2016》, Tohoku Tourism Promotion Organization, 2016
- Translated by Chan Chau, 《Welcome to Tohoku》, Tohoku Tourism Promotion Organization, 2015
- 陳洲譯,《田豐中港客運会社案内》,田豐中港客運会社,2016
- 陳洲譯,《金記レストランのメニュー》,金記レストラン,2016
- 陳洲著,《成吉思汗=羊肉?》,恒管語絲,2014
- Translated by Chan Chau, 《Kado Service Marketing: C1000》, Company of Kado, 2014
- 陳洲譯,《東北・新潟特產精選 日本天與海珍饈八十八》,東北活性化研究中心,2013
- 陳洲譯,《BOC-750運作使用説明書》,東麗集團(TORAY)東麗尖端薄膜公司,2013
- 陳洲譯,《東麗集團台灣高雄分社用工業技術及管理守則使用説明書》,東麗集團(TORAY)東麗尖端薄膜公司,2011
- 陳洲譯,《觀光ルネサンス事業-飛騨市觀光PR 2008》,古川町商工会国土交通省,2008
- 加藤國安著,陳洲譯,“開拓中國文學新時代的青木正兒及其與胡適的交流―二人往来的書簡及名古屋大學附屬圖書館所藏「青木文庫」”,《陝西師範大學・名古屋大學國際學術會議―中日文化交流的歴史記憶及其展望》,pp119-143,陝西師範大學出版社,2008
- 加藤國安著,陳洲譯,“正岡子規《詩眼之徹底》―以自筆寫本・金州經驗・所藏漢籍為中心”,《人文學研究方法的現狀和展望―以現地調査為中心》,pp304-312,名古屋大學大學院文學研究科,2008
- 陳洲譯,《觀光ルネサンス事業-飛騨市觀光PR 2007》,古川町商工会国土交通省,2007
- 加藤國安著,陳洲譯,“名古屋大學附屬圖書館所藏之青木正兒文庫與中國”,《陝西師範大學・名古屋大學國際學術會議》,pp115-120,陝西師範大學・名古屋大學共同出版,2007
Selected Presentations
- 陳洲,“『俳諧類船集』から見た和漢の鬼神観 ―謡曲と『聊斎志異』を中心に、「鬼」と「雨の夜」について”, 和漢比較文学会第2回特別研究発表会@台湾大学, 3-9-2008
- 陳洲,“『三言』の韻文と散文について―「韻文雑言」と「散文駢化」を中心に”, 平成20阪大学・名古屋大学共同研究交流会@愛知県西尾市岩瀬文庫, 15-11-2008