BEcon (HKU)
MPhil (HKU)
Dip.Ed (CUHK)
PhD (Ritsumeikan Asia Pacific University)
Assistant Professor, Department of Social Science
Associate Director (Service Learning), Centre for Teaching and Learning
Associate Master, Patrick SC Poon Amity College
Tel : (852) 3963 5108
Email : victorchan@hsu.edu.hk
ORCID: 0000-0003-4617-8149
Dr Chan obtained his BEcon and MPhil (Politics and Public Administration) from The University of Hong Kong, PGDE (Economics) and MA (Anthropology) from The Chinese University of Hong Kong, and PhD (Asia Pacific Studies) from Ritsumeikan Asia Pacific University in Japan. Before joining the Department, he taught courses in political science and public administration at the University of Macau and the Open University of Hong Kong.
Research Interests
Heritage Diplomacy, Belt and Road Initiative; International Relations of Asia; Japanese Politics; Service-Learning as a Pedagogy; Global Public Health
Courses Taught
- ASI2001 International Relations of Asia
- ASI3002 Economic Regionalism in East Asia
- ASI3008 Japanese Culture and Society
- ASI4008 Understanding Japanese Identity through Literature
- GEN1003 East Asia Cultures – Comparison of Japanese and Korean Cultures
- GEN2031 Leadership and Innovation in Community Service
- GEN3006 International Political Economy
- PPE3004 Global Politics
- 2020 – 2021. Principal Investigator. Heritage Conservation along the Belt and Road Zones: Between Politics and Professionalism. Inter-Institutional Development Scheme, Research Grants Council, Hong Kong. Award: HK$301,975.
Selected Journal Articles
- Chan, C. M. V. (2017). Examining the Progress of Internationalizing Japanese Higher Education From 2000-2010: An Interactive Approach. Cultural and Religious Studies, 5(8), 465-474.
- Chan, C. M. V. (2014). Politics of Compliance in Global Infectious Disease Control: Cases of SARS Control in China. Journal of Public Administration and Governance, 4(1), 114-133.
- Chan, C. M. V. (2014). Paradigm Shift of Japan’s Monetary Policymaking: Implications of Abe Shinzo’s Return to Power. Journal of International Relations and Diplomacy, 2(4), 259-270.
- 陳志明、梁偉賢、林榮鈞(2014)。〈通識課程設計中的挑戰與機遇:一間香港私立專上院校的經驗分享〉。《大學通識》,8,81-105。
- Chan, C. M. V. (2006). A New Pathway for Regional Governance in East Asia: From Economic-driven Regionalization to Crisis-driven Regionalism.” Ritsumeikan Journal of Asia Pacific Studies, 21, 149-161.
- Chan, C. M. V. (2005). Normalizing Japanese Democracy: From Political Reform in the 1990s to the 2005 “Postal Election.” Journal of Comparative Asian Development, 4(2), 405-426.
- Chan, C. M. V. (2004). Domestic Determinants of Sino-Japanese Relationship in the Context of ASEAN Plus Three. Ritsumeikan Journal of Asia Pacific Studies, 14, 131-152.
Selected Book Chapters
- Chan, C.M.V. (Forthcoming). Silk Roads Heritage Diplomacy: UNESCO & China’s Belt and Road Initiative. In Victor C.M. Chan, Y.F. Hui, Desmond Hui, Kazem Vafadari (Eds.) Heritage Conservation and China’s Belt and Road Initiative. Routledge.
- Chan, C.M. V., Hui, Y.F., Hui, D., Vafadari, K. (Forthcoming). Introduction: Heritage Conservation and China’s Belt and Road Initiative: Between Politics and Professionalism. In Victor C.M. Chan, Y.F. Hui, Desmond Hui, Kazem Vafadari (Eds.) Heritage Conservation and China’s Belt and Road Initiative. Routledge.
- Chan, C.M.V. and Poon, K. C. (2022). Teaching Social Sciences as Phrónēsis: Prospect and Challenges. In Benedict S.B. Chan. and Victor C.M. Chan (Eds). Whole Person Education in East Asian Universities: Perspectives from Philosophy and Beyond (pp.253-270). Routledge.
- Chan, B.S.B. and Chan, C.M. V. (2022). Introduction: East and West Perspectives on Whole Person Education. In Benedict S.B. Chan. and Victor C.M. Chan (Eds.). Whole Person Education in East Asian Universities: Perspectives from Philosophy and Beyond (pp.1-10). Routledge.
Books and Monographs
- Chan, C.M. V., Hui, Y.F., Hui, D., Vafadari, K. (Eds.) (Forthcoming). Heritage Conservation and China’s Belt and Road Initiative. Routledge.
- Chan, B.S.B. and Chan, C.M. V. (Eds.) (2022). Whole Person Education in East Asian Universities: Perspectives from Philosophy and Beyond. Routledge. https://doi.org/10.4324/9781003137252
Other Publications
- 陳志明(2015)〈建立國際視野 以亞洲為起點〉,《恒管語絲》,星島日報,4月22目。
Selected Presentations
- Chan, C.M.V. (2022, Dec 9-12). Escape, family network and shadow border-crossing system: Mainland Chinese students’ ‘home return’ amid the fifth wave of COVID-19 in Hong Kong. Paper presented at the 10th East Asian Regional Conference in Alternative Geography (Online).
- Chan, C.M.V. (2021, Apr 17). Social Friendship in Vaccine Diplomacy: Challenges and Opportunities. Paper presented at Forum on Social Friendship as a Path to Peace hosted by Centre for Catholic Studies, CUHK. (Online).
- Chan, C.M. V. (2022, Dec 3-4). Negotiating Transnational World Heritage: Cultural Co-existence along the Silk Road Zones Paper presented at 2022 Asia Pacific Conference, Beppu, Japan.
- Chan, C. M. V. (2019, Nov. 30 – Dec. 1). China’s heritage governance in the 21st century: Between politics and professionalism. Paper presented at 2019 Asia Pacific Conference, Beppu, Japan.
- 陳志明(2019年10月26-27日)〈中國大陸的「一帶一路」文化外交:機遇與挑戰〉。發表於中國政治學會2019年會,台南。
- Chan, C. M. V. (2018, Dec. 1-2). Strengthening Chinese identity through reorienting Chinese history education in Hong Kong: Myth and reality. Paper presented at 2018 Asia Pacific Conference, Beppu, Japan.
- 陳志明(2018年10月20-21日)〈日本在野勢力的「重整」:剖析「地方勢力」能影響「永田町」的迷思〉, 發表於中國政治學會2018年會,台北。
- Chan, C. M. V. (2018, Oct., 5-6). Memory politics in China’s Japan policy: from Deng Xiaoping to Xi Jinping. Paper presented at The 2nd Biennial International Conference on International Relations & the 12th Congress of Asian Political and International Studies Association 2018, Bandung, West-Java, Indonesia.
- Chan, C. M. V. (2018, Jun. 8-10). Mission Impossible: Why Japanese Opposition Parties Are So Fragmented? Paper presented at The Asian Conference on the Social Sciences 2018, Kobe, Japan.
- Chan, C. M. V. (2017, Jun. 15-17). Losing the momentum of economic regionalism in the Asia Pacific: Case studies of TPP and RCEP negotiations. Paper presented at the ISA International Conference 2017, Hong Kong.
- Chan, C. M. V. (2016, Nov 5-6). Examining Japan’s ROK Policy under Abe Shinzo: A Case Study of the Negotiation of “Comfort Women” Issue. Paper presented at the 2016 Asia Pacific Conference, Beppu, Japan.
- Chan, C. M. V. (2015, Nov. 7-8). China’s propaganda strategies in response to Abe Shinzo’s Yasukuni Visit in 2013. Paper presented at the 2015 Asia Pacific Conference, Beppu, Japan.
- Chan, C. M. V. (2015, Apr. 12-15). Constructing Mutual Trust in Healing: A Study of Traditional Chinese Herbal Medicine Shop in Hong Kong. Paper presented at 2015 ASIANetwork Conference, St. Louis, Missouri.
- Chan, C. M. V. (2014, Nov. 27-28). Sino-Japanese Relationship in the Context of Regional Integration in the Asia Pacific. Paper presented at the 5th International Association for Asia Pacific Studies Conference, South Korea.
- Chan, C. M. V. (2014, Nov. 1-2). China’s Security Priorities under Xi Jinping Leading to a Political Deadlock in the Democratization process in Hong Kong. Paper presented at the 12th Asia Pacific Conference, Japan.
- Chan, C. M. V. (2014, May 28-31). Sino-Japanese Diplomatic Rivalry in ASEAN and Africa: Implications for Japan’s Aid Policy” at 2014 Hawaii International Conference on Social Sciences (US), 28-31 May 2014.
- Chan, C. M. V. (2013, Jun. 24-27). Japan’s New Democracy: the Rise of Local Political Forces. Paper presented at The 8th International Convention of Asia Scholars, Macau.
- Chan, C. M. V. (2013, Jun. 14-15). Paradigm Shift of Japan’s Monetary Policy making: Implications of Abe Shinzo’s Return to Power. Paper presented at the 2013 KAPS International Conference, South Korea.
- Chan, C. M. V. (2012, Nov. 23-24), Regional Governance and Emerging Diseases in the Asia Pacific: The Roles of WHO Western Pacific Regional Office. Paper presented at the 3rd International Association for Asia Pacific Studies Conference, Hong Kong.